La Fondation Heinrich Böll Rabat publie régulièrement des rapports, études et bulletins politiques. Toutes les publications sont accessibles gratuitement sur notre site web ou en version papier au bureau de Rabat. Télécharger nos fichiers PDF et profitez-en!
The annual report 2016 gives an overview about the activities of the Heinrich Böll Foundation inland and overseas. It deals with European policy, democracy, human rights, international power relations, the social and environmental transformation, art and culture to mention but a few.
The massive use of plastics has created an enormous global problem with environmental, economic, social, and health repercussions. The only viable solution to the problem would therefore be to stop plastic waste from entering the oceans in the first place. The authors of this paper propose to launch negotiations on a plastics convention and begin to end this irresponsible disaster.
Annual Report 2014 provides information about activities of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung worldwide. It explores issues of (gender) democracy, human rights, European policies, social and environmental transformation, art, culture etc.