Urban development is a controversial topic for many African countries, due to the growing number of people living in cities, as well as the various activities and policies (management of critical infrastructures, inclusion of every group living in the city, spatial justice, security, education, environment, to name but a few), and need to bring together stakes of various groups of actors. Although a multitude of initiatives are actives in this field in various African countries, it is important to state that only some are designed in a participatory way or even led by civil society. In addition, the variety of initiatives and projects is so big that coordination is often lacking and initiatives are often running in parallel.
transformAfrica seeks a) to promote participatory and sustainable urban development initiatives in Africa, b) to encourage networking among civil society actors working and active in the field of participatory urban development and c) carry out concrete showcase activities in selected areas of urban development.
The Heinrich Boll Foundation is carrying out a workshop on participatory urban development in order to present and discuss the challenges, barriers and opportunities/needs linked to a sustainable and participative urban development in African cities