Energy efficiency is a key to ensuring a safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy system for the future. It is the one energy resource that every country possesses in abundance and is the quickest and least costly way of addressing energy security, environmental and economic challenges. Despite the great importance of the issue of energy efficiency, studies on energy transition have mainly focused on energy generation. Furthermore, the attitude and habits of citizens concerning energy efficiency measure have thus far remained unexplored, especially in the specific context of Morocco.
transformAfrica seeks to map the status quo of energy efficiency policies and initiatives in Morocco and bring together the different perspectives of all relevant stakeholders in the field, e.g. decision-makers, companies, civil society, citizens etc. The working group aim to analyze obstacles and opportunities for implementing energy efficiency measures and identify and report on the good practice and initiatives having emerged in Morocco and that might be replicated.
The Heinrich Boll Foundation in collaboration with the working group is producing a study and a citizen survey on energy efficiency based on interviews with experts and desktop researchers that a consultant will carry our addressing the state of art of energy efficiency in Morocco, Tunisia, Nigeria and Kenya. This study has a vision to attain and promote sustainable use of energy, in support of the current debate on the national strategy on energy efficiency, which is to reduce the energy intensify of those four countries economy through improvements in energy efficiency.