Retrospective: kick-off event of TransformAfrica program

Temps de lecture: 1 minute

The conference on socio-ecological transformations in Africa, organised by the Moroccan office of Heinrich Böll foundation, took place between the 7th and the 9th of November 2017 in Rabat. Around 60 participants from different countries (Tunisia, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Morocco, and Germany) and various backgrounds (local politicians, researchers, artists, representatives of civil society and members of the various African Böll offices) met over three days. The goal of this conference was twofold: first, it was the occasion for the participants to discuss the issues linked to socio-ecological transformations within various African countries while taking the gender perspectives into account. Second, the conference strived to bring together various actors working on similar topics within an African network. On this occasion five working groups were established, gathering experts, artists, local representatives and CSO actors that will work on different aspects of the socio-ecological transformation. Namely on: Agriculture, Energy, Natural Resources, Urban Development and Waste Management.